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Eckerle@ CEMAT in Hannover

Eckerle @ CEMAT 23rd - 27th April 2018 in Hannover

On April 27th. 2018, the CEMAT finished after 5 days with more than 5000 exhibitors and more visitors than ever. After the CEMAT had taken place only every three years, it was the first time that the fair has been brought together with the Hannover Messe. Dr. Jochen Köckler - the Fair Manager - expressed it as follows: "There grows together, what belongs together." In Industry 4.0, the autonomous, 'intelligent' logistics in the company plays a crucial role in production.

We, as Eckerle team were there with a booth to take advantage of the opportunity to have many informative, exciting and interesting conversations. It was a big pleasure for us to welcome new and old business partners and have been able to establish new promising contacts. Thank you so much for joining us. We would be happy if you stay in contact with us https://www.eckerle-messen.com/messe/cemat-2018.html and find out more about our other product areas https://www.eckerle.com/index.php/produkte.html

It's not done for this year...In autumn we will be happy to welcome you once more and see you in the romantic town of Nuremberg at the Chillventa from 16th.-18th. October, at the International fair for energy efficiency, heat pumps and refrigeration.

You will find us at booth no. 318 in hall 4 where we will be represented again together with GOTEC, our Swiss subsidiary.

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